We Rise Together

For those who don't know the history of Scout Designs, it was originally an idea that was conceived in the middle of the hardest and most rewarding run that I have done to date. And one that I never would have thought that I was capable of if not for the encouragement and complete faith of an incredible friend. And also her company over 28 miles and 8500 feet of elevation gain. During which she quoted lines from Pitch Perfect. The entire time.
The fact-telling part of the story is that I was wearing a new pair of running shorts for our adventure. And spent the entire run pulling them up as they slid. And down when they crept too far up. And realized that there was absolutely nothing that I could about the fact that the stayed completely wet...for 11 hours. When I complained about it half way through the run, my friend again had complete faith in me and told me that I should start my own brand and do it better.
And that's the real story.
It's the one where woman believe in each other. And we don't just give it lip service. We show up and walk beside each other for the journey.
Getting Scout Designs up and running and to where it is now has been a journey. And, wow, have woman showed up! Like REALLY showed up. With enthusiasm and emotional support and spreading the word. And you all have showed up in person. To shop at (and sometimes help me work) my booth at events and to photoshoots...often without even knowing me and without asking for anything in return. I don't even know how to completely express my gratitude for all of this. But I can say that it gives me faith in people. And it is a daily reminder of the importance of helping those around us and supporting other women. Because our journey is not a solo journey and we truly do rise when we work together.